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Senior Mental Health Lead Training

You can now book a DfE-funded place on our Senior Mental Health Lead training. We are offering small-group, face to face courses for both our Special and Mainstream colleagues. If you’d like to secure your place on one of our courses, please follow these steps to ensure you access funding:

  1. Check the eligibility of your school or FE college on the Department for Education’s terms and conditions
  2. Complete the DfE grant funding form
  3. The DfE requires that training providers collect feedback, apply this to their training and report on Learner Satisfaction.  In order for Becton School to meet this requirement, course participants must complete Learner Satisfaction feedback at the end of the course

To register your interest, fill in our form here

Our terms and conditions can be viewed here

Our course code is SMHL077, you may need to enter this as part of the DfE grant application.

Course details

The intended impact of this course is to give schools and specialist settings the confidence and the tools to deal with a variety of mental health related issues and the knowledge of when to seek further outside help.

Course dates

Special Educational Needs and Mainstream Settings 

Monday 1st July - Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Course outline

Day 1

  1. Introduction and welcome
  2. Identifying pupil's needs
  3. Developing and supporting staff
  4. Building systems around the child
  5. Assessing and monitoring pupil mental health

Day 2

  1. Creating a bespoke approach for referral and intervention
  2. Creating a culture to support pupil's mental health and wellbeing
  3. Strategic implementation

Who Can Attend the Training?

Are you responsible for the day to day management of mental health and wellbeing across your setting, if so, this training is for you.

The training is offered at an intermediate level for senior mental health leads familiar with the role and / or who have completed limited senior mental health leadership training. If you are unsure if you meet this criteria please contact for further details.

The training is available to staff working in all Special Schools including Alternative Provision settings and hospital schools. The training would also be suitable for those working in mainstream Primary schools.

What are the benefits to me and my school?

Schools are at the centre of their communities and are best placed to recognise and respond to early signs of mental health difficulties of pupils and staff in line with the whole school approach.

By attending this course, leaders will have a greater understanding of how to identify, support and track pupil’s mental health needs, signpost to appropriate agencies, upskill their school workforce, influence school policy, reflect and adapt their curriculum, better advise parents and carers of their understanding of mental health difficulties and truly embed the voice and influence of the pupils, taking into consideration the needs of Special and Alternative Provision settings.

What is the time commitment?

  • Two hours for a baseline assessment completed prior to the course
  • Two full days, face to face from 9:30 until 16:30 in Sheffield.

What other resources are available?

  • Three optional one hour drop in sessions after you have completed the training
  • Peer to peer support groups initially facilitated by the trainer.

The participants will be informed of how to deliver appropriate interventions and encompass resilience as part of their bespoke curriculum delivery.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the course is £800 per delegate.

Check your grant eligibility and complete the DfE grant funded form

Once your application is approved register your interest using this link


Becton School is committed to meeting the accessibility needs of all its learners and meets statutory requirements for equalities.  If you have specific access requirements that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Our equality policies can be found at:

A link to our digital accessibility guidance can be accessed here

Accessibility Statement

Senior Mental Health Lead Training Accessibility Statement Becton School is committed to meeting the accessibility needs of all its learners and meets statutory requirements for equalities. If you have specific access requirements that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our equality policies can be found here

Our website contains a digital accessibility statement which can also be accessed here

As a delegate who has expressed an interest in the course, you will be asked if you have any issues that may affect your ability to access the course. These will then taken into account and personally planned for by the course delivery team.

The venue in which the course is held is fully accessible for both ambulatory and non-ambulatory delegates.

All documentation is provided in printed format and can be reproduced on a different colour or enhanced in size by request. Documents can also be provided in advance by request.

Participant Evaluation Principles


This policy has been developed following the delivery of the Senior Mental Health Lead course by Becton School. It is reviewed annually. The Policy establishes a clear process for collecting and reviewing the participant evaluation of the course and associated modules. ‘Feedback’ in this policy is generally used to refer to feedback from course participants.

The Purpose of Participant Feedback

Feedback from participants is an important way of monitoring and enhancing the quality of learning and teaching. It provides participants with an opportunity to influence the current or future delivery and content of the module or programme by asking for their opinions on a range of aspects of the modules. It also serves as a useful staff development tool, as it makes tutors aware of the effectiveness of their teaching as perceived by students.

Methods of Gathering Participant Feedback

It is good practice to use a range of methods for obtaining participant feedback. These might include some of the following:

  • Anonymised paper questionnaires
  • Anonymised electronic questionnaires
  • Informal feedback. This might be received during the course, or through encouraging participants to contact us with any feedback that they may have before or after the course.
  • Formal feedback. This may take place during the school visit by our Executive Headteacher

Scope of the Feedback

The Head of School is responsible for collecting and feedback on the course. Feedback forms will be available online at the end of the delivery of the course.

Questionnaires will be anonymised but should enable the Head of School to identify the particular course run or the tutors involved.

Review Process

Collated evaluations for each course will be made available to the tutors following the course and will be used to de-brief and plan for amendments that may need to be made.

Timing and Frequency of participant Evaluation

Although the practice of Becton School is to collate information at the end of course delivery, we will accept feedback at any time in order to improve the offer and delivery.

It is essential that the feedback questionnaire should enable participants to provide their opinions on all aspects of the provision. It should also provoke reflection on the learning experience.

As feedback from participants is intended to enhance the current as well as future participant experience of the course, the opportunity to provide feedback should be timely. Participants are encouraged to raise issues which may require immediate action, such as problems with course facilities. Participants should be made aware of the importance of raising issues as they arise so that they can be resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of all concerned. Informal feedback may be initiated by participants or tutors .

Quality Assurance Principles

Becton is a Special Hospital School and the majority of our pupils have Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs. Our staff have extensive experience supporting pupils, their families and their main school's as well as working within the pupil's multi-disciplinary team.


The QA process as outlined below is reviewed annually.

How do we select our tutors?

Our tutors have been selected from across our staff team to ensure a widebreadth of knowledge, skills and experience.

How do we quality assure our tutors?

We do not deliver the modules alone, we work as a team to do this. During each module, the delivery is being peer-reviewed within the session and feedback is given following the modules and changes are made as appropriate.

What training and support do our tutors get?

Our tutors complete relevant CPD as necessary and as highlighted in Performance Management. This may be through formal courses such as the NPQ programme or ongoing CAMHS training. As well as training, all of our tutors is offered appropriate supervision following each course.


Contact Information?

Contact James Gibson on for more information.