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Careers Information, Advice and Guidance at Becton School

At Becton we provide bespoke and ambitious Careers support which uses the expertise and relationships developed by Becton staff to support our pupils and move them in a positive direction. We aim to provide young people with a careers education which equips them with employability skills and offers independent careers advice in order for them to have the best possible chance of being in employment in the future. 

A bespoke & ambitious offer with pupils at its core and which is:

  • Underpinned by the 8 principles outlined in the Gatsby benchmarks
  • Integrated within the Becton PHSE curriculum in order to provide a wide range of opportunities to develop key employability and personal skills
  • Promotes career awareness for all pupils at all key stages
  • Personalised, so that activities and support are aligned to individual need
  • Collaborative, professional support for pupils at Becton during reintegration and transition into schools, further education, employment & training

Delivered through:

  • Clear leadership roles & responsibilities within the school: Curriculum Lead for P16 and Careers (Tracey Curtis), SLT strategic lead (Karon Ransom) and Careers Link Governor (Joel Hardwick)
  • A bespoke online tool: Start Profile
  • Independent Careers advice through IAG advisers, CYT Services, Sheffield City Council
  • Objectives & activities linked to the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks (see diagram below)

The Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022 came into force on 1 September 2022 (Careers guidance and access for education and training providers). The Act amends the existing duty, in Section 42A of the Education Act 1997, that requires maintained schools, special schools and pupil referral units in England to secure independent careers guidance to pupils in school years 8 to 13. The Act extends the duty to all pupils in state-funded secondary education, meaning that schools must now secure independent careers guidance from year 7. The Act also establishes consistency across education settings by extending the statutory duty to academy schools and alternative provision academies in England.

The overwhelming majority of pupils at Becton School are dual-registered with us as a subsidiary pupil. As a school we have a duty to work together with the pupil's main school to ensure that they have the best possible careers offer. We collect the details of school careers lead's when they are put onto our roll so that we can liaise with them to ensure that, between us, we are offering a bespoke offer, aligned to the principles of the Gatsby benchmark, which meets the requirements of The Education Act (as outlined above).

Careers Contacts